Sunday, November 29, 2015

The End, November 29, 2015

Today marks the end of six years worth of daily photos, that's 2193 photos. I started this project to see if I could do a photo a day for one year, I loved doing it so much it lasted six years, but this year has been a bit of a struggle, so I think it's time to end. After a break I may decide to start up again, or not.

Thank you for following along and occasionally commenting, I hope you enjoyed seeing thru my eyes.


  1. Well, I think you know that I check it every day and am always delighted with what I see. But I certainly understand why it would be so hard to do. I have trouble even coming up with a Wordless Wednesday.

  2. Well done for 6 years!
    You have plenty to do in a break. Perhaps starting up something new.
    Thanks for sharing so much of what you see.

  3. I'm going to miss this, Linda! Glad I have the lovely calendar to look at. Thanks, Linda!

  4. I've only taken a peak now and then but have enjoyed looking at your daily pics! This is a perfect end to the

  5. I've only taken a peak now and then but have enjoyed looking at your daily pics! This is a perfect end to the

  6. Merry Christmas, Linda! I will miss these daily beautiful photographs and I'm so glad your shared them over the years.
