Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30, 2011 Year #3, day #1

Here we go with my third year of daily photos - I hope you're not tired of sunrises, close ups of various items, leaves, trees and the other things I feel compelled to take pictures of. I considered ending at two years, but then realized that I was sill going to be taking photos because it's become a part of my daily life, so I'll be continuing to share my photos of "nothing".


  1. Please keep posting them. I personally enjoy them very much...a bit of an inviting respite.

  2. I'm so glad that you are continuing. Your photos are fabulous!

  3. Thank you both so much. There are days when I wonder why am I doing this, but then I get a nice comment and it makes it worth while. So I really do appreciate the comments - it's nice to know someone is actually looking at what I do.
